Hartley oscillator and its circuit operation

 R1 and R2 = Potential divider bias
 RE = Emitter Resistance
 RFC = Radio Frequency Choke
 Cc = Coupling Capacitor
 CE = Emitter Bypass Capacitor

The above figure shows the circuit of the ‘CE’ transistorized Hartley oscillator. Its tank circuit consists of two inductors L1 and L2 these inductors are connected in series with and parallel with a capacitor ‘C’.
The coil L1 is inductively coupled to coil L2 and the combination works as an auto-transformer.
The Hartley oscillator is widely used as local oscillators in radio receiver’s and etc…


When the power supply is given to the circuit, the transistor starts conducting and collector current increases as a result the capacitor starts charging. When the capacitor is fully charged it starts discharging through coil L1. This charging and discharging create undamped oscillations in the tank circuit.
The tank circuit produces 1800 phase shift and transistor CE amplifier itself produces another 1800 phase shift. Thus, a total phase shift is 3600.
Hence, the feedback is positive.
the frequency oscillator is determined by the values of L1 and L2 and is given by:
              f= 1/2π˥LC
M = Mutual Inductance between L1 and L2
And its units are Hertz (Hz).

Feedback factor, β = XL2/XL1
  The minimum value of amplifier gain to maintain oscillations is
                   A β = 1
                   A = 1/ β
                   A = 1/(L2/L1)
                  A= L1/L2
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