Procedure to Start a Synchronous Motor


Suppose the rotor is rotated by some external means at a speed very near or equal to

synchronous speed. And then the rotor is excited to produce its poles.

At a certain Instant now, the stator and rotor unlike poles will face each other such that

their magnetic axes are near each other. Then the force of attraction between the two

pulls both of them into the magnetic locking condition.

Once magnetic locking is established, the rotor continuously experiences a unidirectional

torque in the direction of the rotating magnetic field (r.m.f. Hence rotor rotates at

synchronous speed and said to be in synchronism with r.m.f.

4 Then the external device used to rotate the rotor can be removed. But rotor will

continuous to rotate at synchronous speed due to magnetic locking.

This is the reason why synchronous motor runs only at synchronous speed. This

operation is shown in the Fig. 1.9.